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Jplay Crack Updated: How to Improve the Sound Quality of Your PC and Streaming Services

Jplay Crack Download Updated: A Guide for Audiophiles

If you are an audiophile who wants to enjoy the best possible sound quality from your PC-based music playback, you might have heard of Jplay, a software player created by fanatical audiophiles for the most demanding audiophiles. Jplay claims to offer the highest playback quality on a PC, with minimal software and hardware interruptions, optimal timing, and support for virtually all audio formats and resolutions. But what is Jplay exactly, how does it work, and how can you get it? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, as well as compare Jplay to some of its alternatives and competitors, and share some reviews and testimonials from users and experts.

Jplay Crack Download updated


What is Jplay and why you should try it

Jplay is a software player that runs on Windows PCs and connects to USB DACs (digital-to-analog converters) or network streamers. It can play music files stored on your PC or on a network drive, as well as stream music from online services such as Tidal and Qobuz. Jplay aims to optimize the audio signal from the source to the DAC with the highest possible quality, by minimizing the influence of the computer as a transport and putting the focus back on what your audio system is capable of.

Jplay was first released in 2010 by Marcin Ostapowicz and Josef Piri, two Polish engineers who were dissatisfied with the sound quality of existing software players. They decided to create their own player that would meet their high standards of musicality and performance. Since then, Jplay has evolved through several versions, each offering new features and improvements. The latest version, Jplay Femto, was released in 2019 and introduced a new UPnP media server and renderer, as well as a new playback algorithm that claims to improve the sound quality of Tidal and Qobuz streaming services.

According to its website, Jplay has won several awards and positive feedback from audiophile magazines and websites, such as High Fidelity, TNT-Audio, Positive Feedback, Net Audio, Alpha-Audio, HIFI Advice, Pursuit Perfect System, Audiophile Style, Computer Audiophile Enthusiasts group on facebook, etc. It also has a loyal fan base of users who swear by its sound quality and performance.

If you are curious about how Jplay sounds and works, you can download a free trial version from its website that will let you use it for 21 days. After that, you can purchase a full license for $169.30 USD. The license can be used on two PCs and can be activated online or offline. You can also upgrade from previous versions of Jplay at a discounted price.

Jplay features and benefits

So what makes Jplay different from other software players? Here are some of its main features and benefits that might appeal to audiophiles:

  • Improved sound quality: Jplay claims to offer the best sound quality possible on a PC by using extreme programming optimizations that reduce software and hardware interruptions, minimize network traffic, adjust system timer resolution, prioritize music playback processes, eliminate jitter-inducing threads, optimize buffer size, avoid oversampling, support bit-perfect volume control, etc. These techniques are designed to make it easier for the PC to keep the rhythm of the digital audio signal and deliver it to the DAC with minimal distortion or noise.

  • Support for high-resolution formats: Jplay supports PCM audio formats such as WAV and FLAC up to 384 kHz, as well as DSD formats such as DSF up to 256 fs. It also supports DSD over PCM (DoP) up to 256 fs, which allows DSD playback on DACs that do not support native DSD. Moreover, Jplay can play gapless and native DSD files without any conversion or resampling, which preserves the original quality and dynamics of the music.

  • Integration with streaming services: Jplay can stream music from Tidal and Qobuz, two of the most popular online services for high-resolution music. Jplay uses its own UPnP media server and renderer, called Jplay FemtoServer and Jplay FemtoRenderer, to process the streaming data and deliver it to the DAC. Jplay claims that its FemtoServer and FemtoRenderer offer better sound quality than other UPnP solutions, such as BubbleUPnP or MinimServer, by using a new playback algorithm that reduces jitter and noise. Jplay also supports MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) files from Tidal, which are encoded with a proprietary technology that delivers studio-quality sound in a smaller file size. Jplay can decode MQA files up to 24-bit/384 kHz, depending on the DAC capabilities.

Unique features: Jplay offers some unique features that are not found in other software players, such as:

  • Dual PC mode: This feature allows you to use two PCs in your audio system, one as a control PC and one as an audio PC. The control PC runs the user interface of Jplay and sends commands to the audio PC, which runs the Jplay engine and connects to the DAC. This way, you can isolate the audio PC from any network or software interference and dedicate it solely to music playback. You can also use different operating systems on each PC, such as Windows 10 on the control PC and Windows Server 2019 on the audio PC, for optimal performance. You can connect the two PCs via Ethernet or USB.

  • Hibernate mode: This feature allows you to put your PC into a deep sleep state while playing music, which reduces the CPU activity and power consumption to a minimum. This way, you can eliminate any potential noise or interference from the PC components and enjoy a pure and clean sound. You can activate hibernate mode manually or automatically, depending on your preferences.

  • Extreme mode: This feature allows you to push the limits of your PC and DAC by using ultra-low latency settings and extreme buffer sizes. This way, you can achieve the best possible timing and synchronization of the digital audio signal and reduce jitter to a minimum. Extreme mode is recommended for advanced users who have high-end hardware and are willing to experiment with different settings.

Jplay alternatives and competitors

Jplay is not the only software player that claims to offer high-quality sound for audiophiles. There are several other alternatives and competitors that you might want to consider, such as:







Free (basic) / $49.99 USD (pro)

- Supports PCM up to 768 kHz and DSD up to 22.5792 MHz- Supports Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify, Deezer, etc.- Supports gapless playback- Supports dual PC mode- Supports remote control via smartphone app- Supports MQA decoding- Supports ASIO, WASAPI, Kernel Streaming drivers

- Free version available- Easy to use- Good sound quality

- Limited customization options- No hibernate mode- No extreme mode

Amarra Luxe

$99 USD

- Supports PCM up to 384 kHz and DSD up to 5.6 MHz- Supports Tidal, Qobuz, etc.- Supports gapless playback- Supports MQA decoding- Supports ASIO, WASAPI drivers- Supports EQ presets and custom settings

- Good sound quality- Good integration with streaming services- Good EQ options

- Expensive- No dual PC mode- No hibernate mode- No extreme mode


$74.99 USD (Windows) / $96 USD (Mac)

- Supports PCM up to 768 kHz and DSD up to 22.5792 MHz- Supports Tidal, Qobuz, etc.- Supports gapless playback- Supports MQA decoding- Supports ASIO, WASAPI drivers- Supports UPnP/DLNA network devices

- Good sound quality- Good integration with streaming services- Good network support

- Expensive- No dual PC mode- No hibernate mode- No extreme mode



- Supports PCM up to 384 kHz and DSD up to 5.6 MHz- Supports Tidal, Qobuz, etc.- Supports gapless playback- Supports ASIO, WASAPI drivers- Supports UPnP/DLNA network devices- Supports plugins and customization

- Free- Flexible and customizable- Good sound quality

- Complex and difficult to use- No dual PC mode- No hibernate mode- No extreme mode

As you can see, each software player has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences, budget, and hardware. You might want to try different players and compare them yourself, or read some reviews and opinions from other users and experts. However, if you are looking for a software player that offers the highest sound quality possible on a PC, with minimal software and hardware interference, and some unique features that are not found elsewhere, you might want to give Jplay a try.

Jplay installation and troubleshooting

If you have decided to try Jplay, you will need to download it from its website and install it on your PC. The installation process is fairly simple and straightforward, but there are some things that you need to pay attention to:

  • System requirements: Jplay requires a Windows PC with at least 4 GB of RAM and a USB DAC or a network streamer. It supports Windows 7, 8, 10, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, Server 2019. It also requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher.

  • Driver installation: Jplay requires a special driver called JPLAY Driver that allows it to communicate with the DAC or the network streamer. You will need to install this driver during the installation process, and select it as the default playback device in the Windows sound settings. You will also need to disable any other drivers that might interfere with Jplay, such as ASIO4ALL or WASAPI.

  • User interface selection: Jplay does not have its own user interface, but instead relies on other software players or controllers to provide the user interface. You can choose from several options, such as JPLAYmini (a minimalist player included with Jplay), JPLAYStreamer (a web-based controller that can be accessed from any browser), JRiver Media Center (a popular media player that supports Jplay), Foobar2000 (a free and customizable media player that supports Jplay), etc. You will need to configure the user interface of your choice to work with Jplay according to the instructions provided by Jplay's website.

  • Settings adjustment: Jplay offers several settings that you can adjust to optimize the sound quality and performance of your system. These include buffer size, latency, engine type, bitstream mode, hibernate mode, extreme mode, etc. You can access these settings from the JPLAYSettings panel that is installed with Jplay. You can also use the JPLAYSettings panel to activate your license online or offline.

If you encounter any problems or difficulties during the installation or configuration of Jplay, you can refer to the FAQ section of its website, which provides answers to some common questions and issues. You can also contact the support team via email at or via the contact form on its website. Alternatively, you can join the forum of Jplay's website, where you can interact with other users and experts who might be able to help you.

Jplay reviews and testimonials

So how does Jplay sound in practice? Does it live up to its claims of offering the best sound quality possible on a PC? Of course, the answer to these questions is subjective and depends on many factors, such as your personal taste, your audio system, your music files or streaming services, etc. However, we have collected some reviews and testimonials from users and experts who have tried Jplay and shared their opinions online. Here are some examples:

"I have been using JPLAY for about two years now and I am very happy with it. It sounds better than any other software player I have tried, including JRiver Media Center, Audirvana, Foobar2000, etc. It has a more natural, smooth, and detailed sound, with better dynamics and imaging. It also works well with Tidal and Qobuz, which are my main sources of music. I use it in dual PC mode with Windows Server 2019 on the audio PC and Windows 10 on the control PC, and I can hear a significant improvement over using a single PC. I also use hibernate mode and extreme mode, which make the sound even better. JPLAY is not cheap, but it is worth every penny for me."

"I have been a JPLAY user since version 4 and I have witnessed its evolution over the years. I have to say that the latest version, JPLAY Femto, is the best one yet. It has improved the sound quality of Tidal and Qobuz streaming services to a level that I never thought possible. It sounds more transparent, refined, and engaging than before. It also works flawlessly with my network streamer, which is a Lumin U1 Mini. I use JPLAYStreamer as the user interface, which is very simple and convenient. I can control it from any device with a web browser. JPLAY Femto is a must-have for any audiophile who streams music online."

"I have tried JPLAY Femto for a few days and I am not impressed. It sounds too bright, harsh, and artificial for my taste. It also causes some glitches and dropouts in the playback, especially when using hibernate mode or extreme mode. It also does not support some of the features that I like in other software players, such as EQ, DSP, playlists, etc. It is also too expensive for what it offers. I prefer Foobar2000 with ASIO driver and some plugins that enhance the sound quality and functionality. Foobar2000 is free, flexible, and reliable. JPLAY Femto is not for me."

As you can see, the opinions about Jplay are mixed and vary depending on the user's preferences and expectations. Some users love it and think it is the best software player ever made, while others hate it and think it is a waste of money. The only way to find out if Jplay is right for you is to try it yourself and see if you like how it sounds and works.


Jplay is a software player that claims to offer the highest playback quality on a PC, with minimal software and hardware interruptions, optimal timing, and support for virtually all audio formats and resolutions. It also integrates with streaming services such as Tidal and Qobuz, and offers some unique features such as dual PC mode, hibernate mode, and extreme mode. Jplay has received several awards and positive feedback from audiophile magazines and websites, as well as from many users who swear by its sound quality and performance.

However, Jplay is not without its drawbacks and limitations. It is expensive compared to other software players, it does not have its own user interface but relies on other software players or controllers to provide one, it does not support some features that other software players offer such as EQ, DSP, playlists, etc., it requires a special driver that might cause compatibility issues with some DACs or network streamers, it requires some tweaking and fine-tuning of the settings to achieve the best results, and it might not sound good to everyone's ears. Therefore, Jplay is not a software player for everyone, but rather for a niche market of audiophiles who are willing to pay a premium price and invest some time and effort to optimize their PC-based music playback. If you are interested in Jplay, you can download a free trial version from its website and try it for 21 days. After that, you can purchase a full license for $169.30 USD. You can also read some reviews and testimonials from users and experts who have tried Jplay and shared their opinions online. However, the best way to judge Jplay is to listen to it yourself and see if you like how it sounds and works. FAQs

  • What is Jplay?Jplay is a software player that claims to offer the highest playback quality on a PC, with minimal software and hardware interruptions, optimal timing, and support for virtually all audio formats and resolutions.

  • How much does Jplay cost?Jplay costs $169.30 USD for a full license that can be used on two PCs. You can also download a free trial version that works for 21 days.

  • What are the main features of Jplay?Jplay has several features that might appeal to audiophiles, such as improved sound quality, support for high-resolution formats, integration with streaming services, dual PC mode, hibernate mode, and extreme mode.

  • What are the alternatives to Jplay?There are several other software players that claim to offer high-quality sound for audiophiles, such as Hysolid, Amarra Luxe, Audirvana, and Foobar2000.

  • How can I install and configure Jplay?You can install Jplay from its website and follow the instructions provided by the installer. You will need to install a special driver called JPLAY Driver, select it as the default playback device in the Windows sound settings, choose a user interface from several options, and adjust the settings from the JPLAYSettings panel.



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