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Andrew Jackson

Stick War Legacy But With Star Wars At Sts Stick War Legacy Mods [PATCHED]

Stick war Legacy is all about stick figures battling each other. It is the region of Inamorta where all factions are busy waging wars against each other. Each has their own style of weapons. You have to choose which one to join. Although the designs of the characters look very fun and harmless they are out to kill so beware of them.

Stick War Legacy But With Star Wars At Sts Stick War Legacy Mods

Stick War Legacy is a strategy game with stick figures available on all app stores for free. The game will take you on an amazing battle journey with loads of interesting weapons and mysterious items. Take part in this battle, attack with different weapons, defend yourself and strategize.

Stick War Legacy is an awesome game if you are into battling, strategy and stick figures. This game is an adventurous and fun take on the battle genre with awesome features that are discussed in detail above. You can play in multiple different modes, have fun with a variety of weapons and items. You can make rapid progress by getting the mod version available on our website. Press the download button located above to get your Stick War Legacy mod apk right now. Tell us what you think about the game in the comment section below.

Probably one of the best Star Wars games to date featuring an expansive online world that gave players complete control of everything, it was what every Star Wars fan wanted and then some. Giving players a very compelling single-player campaign and an immersive multiplayer section made Star Wars Battlefront 2 have the legacy that it has now. The deep and rich gameplay elements had players coming back and stay engaged, Plus, with how competitive it was, old players came back really competitive to replay the game, making it one of the most full-fledged Star Wars games ever.

  • First-Person Shooters Up until Vegas, Rainbow Six seemed quite unfair in that the AI could somehow detect you even if you couldn't figure out where it was. And a major problem with the first games was that being spotted once, even if the guy didn't alert his comrades, meant everyone knew where you were. In the original PC trilogy, the AI also had Improbable Aiming Skills: no matter what body armor you chose, a hit was usually deadly because the AI scored a headshot practically every time. And could do it from the other side of the map, with a machine pistol, and facing the wrong way. Raven Shield's Elite setting is especially cheap, coupled with the Artificial Stupidity of friendly teammates.

  • On higher difficulty levels, the bots in Quake III: Arena can track your character through walls and can one-shot kill you via Railgun the moment a single pixel of your hitbox is exposed.

  • Medal of Honor, especially the PC games. Nazis have improbable accuracy with automatic weapons while yours suffer from A-Team Firing, can shoot through foliage and other transparent objects that you can't very well, don't suffer from aim disruption while supposedly flinching, will draw a bead on you the moment you enter their line of fire, especially the snipers in Snipertown, run and gun with unlikely aiming skill, and can even get perfect shots when blindfiring. All of which is true in Call of Duty as well, made by some of the same developers.

  • Enemies in Call of Duty love to automatically shoot you just before you pull the trigger and throw off your aim so you miss your shot, especially when you're using a bolt-action rifle and have to wait a full second before you can fire again. Later in the series, enemies will lob grenades that always land at the player's feet. Even if you're in what basically amounts to a pillbox with a tiny opening.

  • Combat training in the Black Ops games lets you see for yourself just how much the AI cheats by letting you see killcams from their perspective. Tracking players through walls, absolutely zero recoil or bullet spread, and on higher difficulties nearly infinite look speed. One AI enemy with a semi automatic sniper rifle can kill multiple players spread out over an area in less than a second the instant it has line of sight to all of them. What's worse is this generally only applies to the AI on the opposing team - your AI will frequently forget they have a loaded weapon in their hands and go for knife kills, forget they have a knife if they manage to survive to get into range, and generally just spread out as far as possible and actively ignore enemies, especially ones that are attacking you.

  • The stealth in the more modern Call of Duty games is actually quite fair. Occasionally though, your amazingly quiet silenced pistol suddenly gives away your position as if it fired nuclear missiles and boulders.

  • Halo After dual-wielding in Halo 2 and Halo 3 proved to be rather unbalanced, it was excised in the subsequent games... for players. In Halo: Reach, Elites are still perfectly capable of dual-wielding weapons, letting them still tear you to pieces with double plasma rifles while you have to wear down their shields the old fashioned way.

  • Players acquainted with trying to hijack Wraith tanks for themselves may know the utter rage they felt upon finding that enemy Wraiths can fire mortars sideways. Meanwhile the player in a Wraith can only fire directly forward, since that's the only direction the cannon faces. Covenant baddies being thorns in your side. Nothing you're allowed to do except slowly turn to hit them. And that's not even including enemy Wraiths' incredibly long-aim with an arcing projectile on Legendary.

  • Team Fortress 2: Under normal circumstances, "facestabbing" as a Spy is a rare, hilarious glitch. Spy-bots in the Mann vs. Machine mode, however, seem capable of facestabbing players whenever the hell they want to. This starts making more sense when you see how loopy the backstab hitboxes can be, and take into account the spies know exactly where these places begin and end. Thankfully averted elsewhere: Just like übered human players, übered bomb carriers (and their medics) aren't immune to the Pyro's airblast. Especially useful if the map has a Bottomless Pit, which not even über-bots can be exempted from. And as a nice bonus, that resets the bomb all the way back to the beginning. And you thought MvM would turn Pyros useless. Spy Robots can also backstab Snipers wearing the Razorback. As in, that piece of equipment whose sole purpose is to protect the Sniper from backstabs.

  • TimeSplitters The 5* AI in the original TimeSplitters game's Arcade modes will turn a semi-automatic weapon into a fully-automatic nightmare, and they never have to reload. Ever. If they get hold of Pistol x2 and see you, you are probably going to die horribly in an endless storm of bullets. Curiously enough, they are less dangerous if using actual automatic weapons.

  • And the bots in TimeSplitters Future Perfect will frequently walk through solid walls and scenery if you're not facing in their general direction, especially on Mapmaker maps; this becomes a real problem in Virus mode, where the AI will occasionally even fall through the fucking ceiling and land on you!! It's possible to turn around and catch them in the act, resulting in all sorts of creepy visual weirdness such as arms and faces half-emerged through the walls/windows/doors.

  • Battlefield: Battlefield 3. ESPECIALLY on hard difficulty. Let's see, bullets that are flying everywhere? Check. A player that dies in two or three continuous shots? Check. Enemies that can shoot you with just your BIG TOE sticking out of cover? Check. Enemies that can SHOOT THROUGH ROCKS IN THE INDESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENT? THAT'S A BIG FUCKING CHECK!!!

  • If you ever play against AI bots in Battlefield 1942, you basically can't use airplanes because the AI's aiming is so accurate that it can use ordinary machine guns (as opposed to actual anti-air weapons) to whittle down your health and knock you out of the sky.

  • Darksims in Perfect Dark's Combat Simulator. They can teleport, shoot with 100% accuracy no matter the weapon or distance, and spawn with every weapon on the map already in their inventory. They still don't know how to use Remote Mines. The game does warn you that they cheat, though.

  • In Destiny, when lining up your sights on an enemy (usually through a sniper rifle but applies to other guns as well) the enemy will seem to magically know where you are and start moving to make your shot harder even if you haven't fired off a single round, yet. In addition, once you HAVE fired (especially annoying if you're using a sniper rifle) the enemies will know JUST where you are and move behind appropriate cover to keep from being picked off so easily.

  • A Game Mod example: The Wolfenstein 3-D mod Eisenfaust: Legacy is so unfair that after a few levels you'd wish you were playing the normal Wolfenstein 3D again thanks to the unforgiving AI, which makes you die quickly. And this becomes extremely annoying when the machinegunners come into play. To make things even worse, you cannot use debug cheats.

  • XIII: The final boss will continue shooting even whilst reloading.



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