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Eli Hill
Eli Hill

Sarscape Envi 50 Crack 39: A Powerful Software for Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

More complex numerical models explore how such cavity sources may eventually develop into anelastic processes and subsidence32. Geomechanical models of the subsidence process have been developed to compare the InSAR subsidence along a 2D transect crossing the surface projection of salt cavities M30 and M31 (Figs. 1a and 3a), which are located inside the residential area of Pinheiro. Two independent injection pressure scenarios (S1 and S2) were used to test the different geomechanical stages of the cavity evolution, surrounding crack propagation, stress development, and induced surface displacement that occur under different initial conditions. The first scenario (S1) considers a higher cavity pressure compared to the surrounding soil and simulates mining conditions. The working pressure usually stabilizes the salt cavities during dissolution mining. The second scenario (S2) considers a hypothetical lower cavity pressure, caused by depressurization and aim to simulate inactive mining conditions 25.

Sarscape Envi 50 Crack 39

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In this study, we investigated the ongoing geological instabilities in Maceió by integrating multi-temporal InSAR analysis with source modelling using elastic inversion and the distinct element method. The main outcomes from our results are that the subsidence in Maceió (1) started to gradually evolve almost two decades ago with slow acceleration at the beginning and faster acceleration in the last 4 years; (2) reached a maximum cumulative value close to the lagoon coast of approximately 2 m at the end of 2020; (3) is attributable to a depth source between 600 to 1000 m that coincides with the salt cavity locations; (4) both active/pressurized and inactive/depressurized salt mining conditions led to mechanical instability of the cavities with local upward migration and likely partial to total cavity collapses; and (5) developed from the deforming cavities cracks propagated upward towards the shallower layers.

We performed 2D distinct element modelling (DEM) with PFC2D V5 software from Itasca. The DEM simulates the material as an assemblage of discrete and rigid particles of different radii and geomechanical parameters36. The particles are bonded together using the so-called soft-contact approach, which allows them to rotate and overlap at contact points, simulating mechanical interaction. For a proper representation of the matrix between grains, the parallel-bond scheme was used, which allows the simulation of shear and tensile crack formation and block rotations37. Based on the available stratigraphic information, we set up the configuration of the material layers and properties (supplementary Fig. S4). Detailed parameters of the simulated geologic materials and parameters as well as geometries are given in supplementary Tables S2 and S3. We installed the two cavities by deleting the particles at a specific depth and according to the size detected by the sonar measurements. The two cavities had centre point depths of 1010 m and 1070 m and sizes of approximately 14,100 m3 and 31,400 m3 for M30 and M31, respectively. Instantaneous particle deletion was followed by the setting of temporarily high bond strengths to avoid dynamic effects. To simulate the geomechanical behaviour of the subsurface, two independent scenarios, pressurized conditions (S1) and depressurized conditions (S2), were used. For S1, a pressure of 2.758 MPa, equivalent to the reported salt-mining pressure in this area, was initially injected into the cavity walls, which was simulated as explicit radial forces onto the inner rim particles. The modelling was redone with different initial conditions, including a lower pressure of 1.5 MPa and reproducing possible mining depressurized/inactive conditions. Different aspects should be considered in terms of uncertainty. First, it is important to highlight that the geomechanical model that was performed is a 2D model along a transect. The disk-shaped particles contain a third particle dimension of size one, which is added for correct calculations. Therefore, it might overestimate the instability due to missing bonds in the third dimension, and it is not possible to compare the volume changes directly with those retrieved in the 3D geophysical source inversion. Second, the model resolution (model size vs. particle radii) and bulk rock parameter calibration contain another uncertainty in particle-based simulations37. However, extensive experience with similar simulation setups has recently been achieved, and particle scale parameters have been adjusted by applying findings from available simulated compression and tension tests32,38 on material samples used in this study (consolidated rock, unconsolidated rock, and halite).

Third, DEM models have an intrinsic uncertainty due to random particle packing, a feature also observable in natural geologic depositional environments. Therefore, a repetition of four models per scenario was performed with different random particle assemblies. The resulting error margin in the subsidence calculation for the total collapse of both cavities (scenario S2) is plotted in supplementary Fig. S4b. The error is low at the margins of the 2D transect and higher with values up to approximately 50 cm in the part most affected by deformation. Due to the discontinuous nature of the model, each random assembly produces also different structures in the subsurface and at the surface. An even larger number of model generations would decrease the error. We restricted the detailed stress and crack analysis to a representative model for each scenario and have shown that the subsidence determined by InSAR is within the range of the simulated subsidence, even close to the mean of all assemblies.

Sentinel-1A SAR data were used to study the time-series deformation characteristics of the Wangjiashan landslide in the Baihetan Reservoir area before its impoundment. We found that the Wangjiashan landslide has been in an initial deformation state in recent years. Deformation first occurred in the middle of the landslide and then expanded to the landslide toe and crown, thereby demonstrating the characteristics of retrogressive movement. Combined with an analysis of field deformation evidence, the upper landslide mass seems to have formed a local sliding surface, which has caused serious deformation of the road. An analysis of historical rainfall data revealed that the Wangjiashan landslide is sensitive to rainfall, and the deformation is not only significantly correlated with cumulative rainfall but also influenced by concentrated heavy rainfall. Considering the sensitivity of the Wangjiashan landslide to rainfall, coupled with the environmental changes caused by impoundment, establishing a landslide monitoring and early warning system in this area is particularly important.

This research was funded by the National Key R&D Plan (Grant no. 2018YFC1505503), the State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection Independent Research Project (Grant no. SKLGP2020Z001), and the Zhejiang Huadong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd Research Project (KY2020-HDJS-19).

To provide an adequate level of protection for humans from exposure to radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) and to assure that any adverse health effects are avoided. The basic restrictions in terms of the specific energy absorption rate (SAR) were prescribed by IEEE and ICNIRP. An example of a therapeutic application of non-ionizing EMF is hyperthermia (HT), in which intense RF energy is focused at a target region. Deep HT in the head and neck (H&N) region involves inducing energy at 434 MHz for 60 min on target. Still, stray exposure of the brain is considerable, but to date only very limited side-effects were observed. The objective of this study is to investigate the stringency of the current basic restrictions by relating the induced EM dose in the brain of patients treated with deep head and neck (H&N) HT to the scored acute health effects. We performed a simulation study to calculate the induced peak 10 g spatial-averaged SAR (psSAR10g) in the brains of 16 selected H&N patients who received the highest SAR exposure in the brain, i.e. who had the minimum brain-target distance and received high forwarded power during treatment. The results show that the maximum induced SAR in the brain of the patients can exceed the current basic restrictions (IEEE and ICNIRP) on psSAR10g for occupational environments by 14 times. Even considering the high local SAR in the brain, evaluation of acute effects by the common toxicity criteria (CTC) scores revealed no indication of a serious acute neurological effect. In addition, this study provides pioneering quantitative human data on the association between maximum brain SAR level and acute adverse effects when brains are exposed to prolonged RF EMF.

A Compact Real-Time Optronic SAR Processor has been successfully developed and tested up to a Technology Readiness Level of 4 (TRL4), the breadboard validation in a laboratory environment. SAR, or Synthetic Aperture Radar, is an active system allowing day and night imaging independent of the cloud coverage of the planet. The SAR raw data is a set of complex data for range and azimuth, which cannot be compressed. Specifically, for planetary missions and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems with limited communication data rates this is a clear disadvantage. SAR images are typically processed electronically applying dedicated Fourier transformations. This, however, can also be performed optically in real-time. Originally the first SAR images were optically processed. The optical Fourier processor architecture provides inherent parallel computing capabilities allowing real-time SAR data processing and thus the ability for compression and strongly reduced communication bandwidth requirements for the satellite. SAR signal return data are in general complex data. Both amplitude and phase must be combined optically in the SAR processor for each range and azimuth pixel. Amplitude and phase are generated by dedicated spatial light modulators and superimposed by an optical relay set-up. The spatial light modulators display the full complex raw data information over a two-dimensional format, one for the azimuth and one for the range. Since the entire signal history is displayed at once, the processor operates in parallel yielding real-time performances, i.e. without resulting bottleneck. Processing of both azimuth and range information is performed in a single pass. This paper focuses on the onboard capabilities of the compact optical SAR processor prototype that allows in-orbit processing of SAR images. Examples of processed ENVISAT ASAR images are presented. Various SAR processor parameters such as processing capabilities, image quality (point target analysis), weight and


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