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Another solution we considered when trying to improve SpeedIndex was the order in which images were being downloaded. We noticed that images halfway down the page were being downloaded before images at the top of the page. What resulted was a longer render time for content above the fold, and a slower SpeedIndex.
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In order to prioritize image downloading, we needed to use a technique called image lazy loading. Lazy loading allows you to control what order images download, and when to download images. With this additional control, we enable devices to only download images when they are needed.
Some research lead to a quick experiment of blocking the requests of any render-blocking external files, and observing the difference in CPU usage in Chrome DevTools. We discovered that our CPU was idle because it was waiting for our HTML document and the main CSS file to finish downloading, before starting to render. Our experiment proved that by excluding the external CSS file, our device could start rendering the page as soon as the HTML finished downloading.
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In spite of repeated enquiries, we were unable to obtain responses from two developers. Primary Health Care Records has had no publications or web presence since the one pilot study was published in 2007.21 SmartCare has a website ( ) but is only implemented through partner organisations such as the Zambian Ministry of Health, the US Centers for Disease Control and the Elizabeth Glaser Paediatric AIDS Foundation. Like the Baobab EMR,4 it is a proprietary system developed with public funding and is not available to non-affiliated users.
This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Text Creation Partnership. Searching, reading, printing, or downloading EEBO-TCP texts is reserved for the authorized users of these project partner institutions. Permission must be granted for subsequent distribution, in print or electronically, of this EEBO-TCP Phase II text, in whole or in part.
Otter confirmed that they use transcription data to improve the algorithm and do share data with third parties, but denied that it would ever share data with foreign governments. Regardless, the Freedom of the Press Foundation recommends that users protect data shared with these transcription apps by using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, and to download and delete transcripts from the app (pasting transcripts into a Word or other document instead) to reduce exposure risk.
These findings are significant to the field and the data is analyzed well. I would like to see any data or descriptions about whether there was scrounging of rewards between the chimpanzees during the study. The text states that there weren't behaviors directed towards the partner, but the behavior related to the food could be explicitly noted.Line 341- I would suggest adding that the touchscreen methodology helps control for the effect of visible food along with the ability to increase trial numbers could cite Cronin 2012 in Animal Behavior.