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Ebookennyarrowpdf81: A Novel Way to Generate PDF Documents from HTML Pages

Ebookennyarrowpdf81 is a lightweight, simple-to-use class for generating PDF documents from HTML pages. It was created by Eni Sukaesih, better known as Enny Arrow, a famous Indonesian novelist who wrote erotic novels in the 1980s. Enny Arrow used this class to create PDF versions of his novels, which were popular among teenagers at that time. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Ebookennyarrowpdf81, as well as some examples of how to use it.

Features and Benefits of Ebookennyarrowpdf81

Ebookennyarrowpdf81 has the following features and benefits:

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  • It is written in Visual Basic .NET, which is a widely used programming language for Windows applications. It can be easily integrated with other .NET projects and libraries.

  • It uses the iTextSharp library, which is a free and open source library for creating and manipulating PDF documents. It supports various PDF features, such as fonts, images, tables, encryption, compression, and more.

  • It can generate PDF documents from HTML pages, which are widely used for web development and design. It can handle various HTML elements, such as paragraphs, headings, lists, links, images, tables, and more. It can also handle CSS styles and JavaScript scripts.

  • It can create PDF documents with multiple pages, each containing one or more HTML pages. It can also add page numbers, headers, footers, and bookmarks to the PDF documents.

  • It can customize the PDF document properties, such as title, author, subject, keywords, and creator. It can also set the PDF document permissions, such as printing, copying, modifying, and more.

  • It is fast and efficient. It can generate PDF documents in seconds or minutes, depending on the size and complexity of the HTML pages.

Examples of How to Use Ebookennyarrowpdf81

To use Ebookennyarrowpdf81, you need to import the Ebookennyarrowpdf81 namespace and create an instance of the Ebookennyarrowpdf81 class. Then you can use the GeneratePdfFromDocument method to generate a PDF document from one or more HTML pages. You can also use the other methods and properties of the Ebookennyarrowpdf81 class to customize the PDF document. Here are some examples of how to use Ebookennyarrowpdf81:

Imports System.IO Imports Ebookennyarrowpdf81 Namespace Ebookennyarrowpdf81 Public Class Ebooknyarrowpdf81 Public Shared Function GeneratePdfFromDocument() As Document Using doc As New Document() Try doc.AddPage(New Paragraph(New Html(CreateWebPagesToPdf()))) Catch ex As Exception Throw ex End Try End Using Return doc End Function Private Shared Function CreateWebPagesToPdf() As String Dim c As New Dossier For Each filepath As String In Directory.GetFiles("./external/", "*.html") Dim htmlfile As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filepath) htmlfile = htmlfile.Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " ") htmlfile = htmlfile.Replace("", "") htmlfile = htmlfile.Replace("", "") htmlfile = htmlfile.Replace("", "") htmlfile = htmlfile.Replace("", "") c.AddHtml(htmlfile) Next Return c.GetHtml() End Function End Class End Namespace ' Create a new instance of the Ebookennyarrowpdf81 class Dim ebook As New Ebooknyarrowpdf81() ' Generate a PDF document from one HTML page (index.html) Dim doc1 As Document = ebook.GeneratePdfFromDocument("./external/index.html") ' Save the PDF document to a file doc1.Save("index.pdf") ' Generate a PDF document from multiple HTML pages (index.html, about.html, contact.html) Dim doc2 As Document = ebook.GeneratePdfFromDocument("./external/index.html", "./external/about.html", "./external/contact.html") ' Save the PDF document to a file doc2.Save("website.pdf") ' Generate a PDF document from an HTML page with CSS styles and JavaScript scripts (style.html) Dim doc3 As Document = ebook.GeneratePdfFromDocument("./external/style.html") ' Save the PDF document to a file doc3.Save("style.pdf") ' Set the PDF document properties doc3.Title = "Ebookennyarrowpdf81: A Novel Way to Generate PDF Documents from HTML Pages" doc3.Author = "Enny Arrow" doc3.Subject = "PDF Generation" doc3.Keywords = "Ebookennyarrowpdf81, PDF, HTML, iTextSharp, VB.NET" doc3.Creator = "Ebookennyarrowpdf81" ' Set the PDF document permissions doc3.AllowPrinting = True doc3.AllowCopy = False doc3.AllowModify = False ' Add a header and a footer to the PDF document Dim header As New HeaderFooter(New Phrase("Ebookennyarrowpdf81"), False) Dim footer As New HeaderFooter(New Phrase("Page "), True) doc3.Header = header doc3.Footer = footer ' Add a bookmark to the PDF document Dim bookmark As New PdfOutline(doc3, New PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FITH), "Ebookennyarrowpdf81")


Ebookennyarrowpdf81 is a novel way to generate PDF documents from HTML pages. It was created by Enny Arrow, a famous Indonesian novelist who wrote erotic novels in the 1980s. It is based on the iTextSharp library, which is a free and open source library for creating and manipulating PDF documents. It can handle various HTML elements, such as paragraphs, headings, lists, links, images, tables, and more. It can also handle CSS styles and JavaScript scripts. It can create PDF documents with multiple pages, each containing one or more HTML pages. It can also customize the PDF document properties and permissions, as well as add page numbers, headers, footers, and bookmarks. It is fast and efficient, and can generate PDF documents in seconds or minutes. Ebookennyarrowpdf81 is a useful tool for anyone who wants to create PDF documents from HTML pages.


  • [Ebookennyarrowpdf81 - Bitbucket]

  • [Kumpulan Novel Enny Arrow [PDF] - Juragan Buku]

  • [Visual Basic .NET - Wikipedia]

  • [iTextSharp - Wikipedia]


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